
Frequently Asked Questions

Shall I mention you on my twitter feed/facebook page/other social networking?

Hmm… perhaps not just yet – the hosting isn’t expecting much traffic. Really this is meant as an easy way for our churchgoers to download the sermons rather than as a way to preach to the globe!

Can you improve the audio?

We’re just experimenting just now. The sound quality should improve as we link things in with the PA. The earliest sermons were recorded with the least appropriate equipment!

Why is your podcast a bit of a mess in iTunes?

You mean the multiple copies of the same episode, some missing titles, no lengths etc? Er… don’t know. Sorry – I’ll try to find out. Sometimes it’s there sometimes it’s not. Sometimes the feedburner page looks snazzy and sometimes it doesn’t. Don’t know why.

I’m a preacher – my voice sounds terrible on your recording! Why?

Partly it’s the way we’ve recorded it, but mainly it’s because everyone sounds more high-pitched on recordings than they sound to themself whilst speaking – you’re not getting any of the resonance through your body when you listen to a recording, so you sound less deep.

Why are you putting the sermons online?

I’m a preacher – do I have to have my sermon on your podcast?

No. Let us know on the day or tell your link person you’d rather not be recorded. If we’ve already put them up and you didn’t want us to, sorry. Contact the webeditor at seedfield’s website, or ring Andrew from Seedfield (in the circuit directory under Worship and Prayer Core Group) and it’ll be removed (although people who’ve already downloaded it will still be able to listen).

Please can you record the whole service?

No – the songs are often copyright, and we don’t have permission to publish recordings of them. It’s not obvious which other bits of the service it’s sensible to make available, and we want to stick to sermons for now to make it all simpler.

How do I take this recording to someone who doesn’t have internet access?

If you’re using iTunes, it’ll be easiest to lend them your iPod, but if you need to burn it to a CD, Make a new playlist of the episodes you want to use, right-click it and choose ‘Burn playlist to disc’ If you’re not using iTunes, I don’t know, sorry.